Tuesday, December 31, 2013

COLLEGE CRIME by R. Barri Flowers Now in eBook for the First Time!

COLLEGE CRIIME: A Statistical Study of Offenses on American Campuses is an enlightening book on criminality at institutions of higher education by R. Barri Flowers, an award winning criminologist and internationally bestselling author of such titles as THE DYNAMICS OF MURDER, THE SEX SLAVE MURDERS, and PROSTITUTION IN THE DIGITAL AGE, and KIDS WHO COMMIT ADULT CRIMES.


Recent years have greater focus on-campus crime with repeated school shootings, mass murders, sexual assaults, increased and deadly drug use, intolerance offenses, dating and acquaintance related offenses, and other types of criminal behavior and the resultant effects on the campus community.


This book examines the breadth of serious criminality and victimization occurring on college and university campuses across the United States, placing particular emphasis on the relationship between drug and alcohol abuse and criminal activities such as sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, hate crime, and murder. The book also provides several victim resources and a guide to laws relevant to the prevention and deterrence of on-campus crime.

For both current and future students at institutions of higher learning, administrators, educators, campus law enforcement, criminologists, social scientists, and others with a vested interest, COLLEGE CRIME is a must in offering a concise and important perspective of the college environment and the perils that lurks within beyond the charm of well-kept grounds, attractive buildings with history, coeds, classes, activities, growth, and generally positive experiences of campus life.




"Valuable...an excellent resource." --ARBA.


"Addresses an increased public and law enforcement attention toward the contemporary enigma of violent crimes that blemish campus life." -- Thomas E. Baker, Professor of Criminal Justice


"Informative book focusing on alcohol and drug use, murder, sexual assault, dating violence, stalking, and hate crime on college campuses. Recommended. All levels/Libraries.” – D. Harper, University of Rochester


“Crime committed on college and university campuses has tended to be underreported and under attended to by the general populace.... This book examines these trends, and takes a careful look how seemingly innocent crime, like underage drinking, is directly connected to more serious offenses” – Book reviewer and educator
COLLEGE CRIME is available in eBook from Amazon and Barnes & Noble. Also in print. Buy today!



KIDS WHO COMMIT ADULT CRIMES: by R. Barri Flowers, Now in eBook For First Time!

KIDS WHO COMMIT ADULT CRIMES: Serious Criminality by Juvenile Offenders, from award winning and bestselling criminologist R. Barri Flowers, now in eBook for the first time!


An examination of today’s serious, chronic, and violent youthful offender, this vital book explores the disturbing relationship between youth and serious, violent antisocial behavior in America, examining its antecedents, its onset, and its situational and motivating factors.


"A broad overview of adolescent deviance... An excellent multidisciplinary theoretical base for explaining this most pervasive phenomenon. The text also provides an excellent historical chronology of adolescent offending and the means used to rehabilitate this population.... Very useful for anyone studying juvenile delinquency." -- Cassandra Bowers, PhD, Lecturer and BSW Program Coordinator, Wayne State University School of Social Work

"An essential handbook for criminology students.... Easy to digest. The structure of the book follows the format of most criminology courses with a strong section on intrafamilial causes of delinquency. The section on dating violence will be especially useful in the college classroom." -- Randy Blazak, PhD, Assistant Professor, Sociology Department, Portland State University


Buy KIDS WHO COMMIT ADULT CRIMES in eBook from Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Google Play today! Also available in hardcover and paperback.